Apache-Superset quick-local setup

Pre-Requirement : apt-get install git ,apt-get install docker , apt-get install docker-compose

Steps :slight_smile:

  • Clone superset-git-repo https://github.com/apache/superset.git inside

    • mkdir superset-test/
    • cd ./superset-test/
    • Run : git clone https://github.com/apache/superset.git
  • Change superset-image tag from ./superset-test/superset/docker-compose-non-dev.yml file

    • latest-dev to 2.0.0-dev.
    • Like : x-superset-image: &superset-image apache/superset:${TAG:-2.0.0-dev}
  • Replace content of ./superset-test/superset/docker/pythonpath_dev/superset-config.py with

  • For starting the superset application : run below command from ./superset-test/superset/

    • docker-compose -f docker-compose-non-dev.yml up -d
  • For stopping application : run below command from ./superset-test/superset/

    • docker-compose -f docker-compose-non-dev.yml down
  • Every time when restarting the application : run cmd from ./superset-test/superset/

    • First stop cmd use
    • And then start cmd run
  • The End!

Apache Superset is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application . It is fast, lightweight, intuitive, and loaded with options that make it easy for users of all skill sets to explore and visualize their data, from simple pie charts to highly detailed deck.gl geospatial charts.
It is also provide features for report scheduling ,alerts triggers & multiple Database support and we can query on it in a handy way.