Difference between Reject and Cancel

What is the difference between Reject and Cancel order items?

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Rejecting an order item: It means a warehouse/store associate couldn’t fulfil the item due to some reason and thus rejected the item. Rejecting makes the item eligible to be brokered from some other location.

Cancelling an order item: It means the customer has either changed his/her mind and now does not need the item.

Hope this clarifies your doubt.

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Thank you so much, sir.

Cancellation of order item in HC OMS can also happen when no fulfillment location was assigned to the order and order got cancelled after reaching the auto cancel date.


Adding to @devanshu.vyas’s answer
A company may decide to mark an order item cancelled, if the item cannot being fulfilled due to certain reasons from any store/warehouse.
For example, a company launched a new product and got preorders in much larger amount than expected, and expected delivery may have a much longer delay. The company may decide to cancel some of the order items.