Ensuring Same-Day Shipping for Orders in HotWax Commerce

How does HotWax Commerce ensure same-day shipping orders are shipped on the same day?

HotWax Commerce ensures same-day shipping orders are shipped on the same day through a structured process involving real-time eligibility checks and inventory verification, as outlined in the Soft Allocation feature. The process includes the following steps:

1. Obtain Customer’s Latitude and Longitude

When a customer is browsing the online store, the customer’s latitude and longitude are obtained by:

  • Converting the customer’s postal code using the postCodeLookup API.
  • Obtaining the coordinates directly from the customer’s device if they allow access to their system location.

2. Verify Inventory Availability of Cart Items

The checkCartInventory API is utilized to determine same-day delivery eligibility for cart items across facilities. This API evaluates eligibility based on:

  • The facility’s latitude and longitude.
  • A predefined distance, typically within 50 miles for same-day delivery by carriers.

3. Displaying Eligibility on the Cart Page

After receiving the response indicating a facility’s eligibility for fulfillment, the application compares the order preparation lead time with the difference between the customer’s current time and the facility’s closing time:

  • If the lead time is less than the time difference, the cart is deemed eligible for same-day delivery.
  • If the lead time exceeds the time difference, the order is marked as eligible for next-day delivery.

This process ensures that only orders that can be fulfilled on the same day, based on inventory availability and proximity to the shipping facility, are marked as eligible for same-day shipping.

Here is our blog for How can Shopify Retailers Offer Same-Day Delivery?