How to schedule a report with Superset

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First, check whether the database is configured for the project.

  1. Go to SQL Lab > SQL editor
  2. Select Database [DemoOms] and Schema [odbprodhc] from the dropdown options
  3. Add a new tab(Ctrl+t) and enter a Query of the report
  4. Click on Run(Ctrl+Return) and check the output
  5. Then click on ‘Create Chart’
  6. A popup ‘Save or Overwrite Dataset’, add the name of the report in the field name ‘Save as new’.
    There is also an option to add ‘Overwrite existing reports’.
  7. Save the report name by clicking ‘Save and Explore’
  8. Add the chart’s name and if a required user can add or remove columns.
  9. Click on save and add to the dashboard if required.
  10. Now go to settings, and select ‘Alerts and Reports’
  11. Switch on the ‘Reports’ tab and click on the “+Reports” icon
  12. Enter the details - Report Name, Owners, Description
  13. Schedule a Report schedule time(day, weekly) and timezone according to requirement
  14. Select message content as “Chart”, select the report from the dropdown, and choose the option “Send as CSV”.
  15. Add notification method as “Email” and add Recipients.
  16. Then Click on ‘Save’

Finally, reports get scheduled at a particular time with the generated record.

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