Why dashboard is created in Superset? How it is created and deleted?

The dashboard helps in visualizing multiple reports scheduled in a database. When there are many reports scheduled in a project, users can categorize and can visualize them simultaneously in a dashboard:

Follow the steps below to create a dashboard:

  • Login to URL: https://tathya.hotwax.io/
  • Go to the Dashboards
  • Click on the “+Dashboard” icon and add the name of the Dashboard
  • Drag and Drop the existing reports from the panel on the right.
  • Click on save
  • The dashboard can be edited by clicking on it and ‘Edit Dashboard’
  • It also provides an option to create a new chart ‘+Create NewChart’.

The dashboard can be scheduled and help in visualizing multiple charts in a png form, it consists of screenshots of tables.

A dashboard can be deleted by clicking on the delete icon in the Actions column header.

On clicking the delete icon, a popup pops to confirm the deletion of a dashboard by typing ‘DELETE’, and the dashboard gets deleted.

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